What is it about?

This is the second work by Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones I've had the privilege to review. It's another penetrating look at the history of surveillance. This time, Jeffreys-Jones examines the origins of surveillance, and suggests we've been 'under the eye' even before the birth of CIA, NSC, MI5 or MI6.

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Why is it important?

the need to know and the need to be left alone are fighting for dominance


We tend to think about surveillance as something conducted by intelligence operations, but businesses, marketing firms and credit card companies got there first

john morello morello
Aurora University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: We Know All About You: The Story of Surveillance in Britain and America. By Rhodri Jeffreys‐Jones. Oxford University Press. 2017. ix + 290pp. £18.99., History, November 2019, Wiley,
DOI: 10.1111/1468-229x.12908.
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