What is it about?
The paper presents the development of a dynamic model of the Egyptian power system for Automatic Generation Control (AGC) studies. Each category of turbine and its speed-governor system is lumped in an equivalent model. Parameters of each equivalent model are derived based on weighted-average real data. The Egyptian power grid is briefly described, and the MATLAB/Simulink software is used to perform AGC studies. Governor dead-band and ramp rate are considered. Two operating conditions are studied: peak summer demand and minimum winter demand. An integral controller is designed and applied to the generating units under AGC control through a secondary loop. The primary loop is the conventional speed droop proportional control. Various scenarios of the frequency control are considered including AGC on different generating units. The simulation results have shown that the parameters of the proposed model are insensitive to variations in the system operating point, thus implying the validity of the model over a wide range of operating conditions.
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Why is it important?
A dynamic model of a real power system is obtained for automatic generation control studies. Real data are used. The model represents the Egyptian power grid.
I hope this article helps researchers to make various studies in the field of automatic generation control using a model of the real Egyptian power system.
Professor Omar H. Abdalla
Helwan University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Development of a Dynamic Model of the Egyptian Power Grid for AGC Studies using Real Data, May 2024, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
DOI: 10.1109/iceeng58856.2024.10566425.
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