What is it about?
Lean is often describes as a system. However, a generic system consists of elements and connections between the elements. In Lean the connections are not systematically defined. This can explain the low sucess-rate when integrating Lean. The results describe the nature of the connections and a conceptual model.
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Why is it important?
This research explores the connections between the different parts of Lean. What exactly are the connections? How can they be useful in practice and for researchers?
This research was a reaction to the statement found in many research papers, "Lean is difficult to define". It looks at Lean as a system that has evolved over time leading to the practices we today associate with Lean and asks "How are they connected"?
Christer Osterman
Malardalens Hogskola
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: A systems theory for lean describing natural connections in an XPS, The TQM Journal, July 2020, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/tqm-12-2019-0284.
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