What is it about?

Resistance to change is one of the main barriers to change initiatives, specifically innovations. This paper examines resistance to organizational change in practice. To do so, this paper integrates Kubler-Ross grief model into a hypothetical change initiative in a critically acclaimed feature film, "Up in the Air".

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Why is it important?

The paper 1) provides an opportunity to advance the understanding of the abstract concept of "resistance to change" 2) bridges the widely-discussed research-practice gap 3) analyze resistance in practice stage-by-stage by integrating Kubler-Ross model into a hypothetical change initiative in a feature film.


Comments of a reviewer: ... What is most intriguing is the ability of the author(s) to extract social meaning from a fictional based movie. The results are well explained and analyzed. The practicality of the manuscript while unique is accomplished through detailed explaation of the behaviors of the fictional characters as they relate to the principles of organizational behavior and human behavior.

utku güğerçin
adana alparslan turkes science and technology university

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: How employees resist ICT-induced organizational change? Insights from “Up in the Air”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, June 2022, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/lodj-05-2021-0199.
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