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This article reports on a collaborative project and study implemented by two teacher educators in an elementary education program. To prepare teacher candidates for field experience and teaching in a diverse (bilingual) school, the program uses coursework to impart asset-based pedagogies and practices. In this mixed method case study we examined the awareness and perspectives of preservice teachers (N=26) to cultural and linguistic diversity and to relevant teaching and learning practices. In particular we gauged their engagement with multicultural children’s literature in a collaborative interclass activity. Our data sources included beginning and end of semester survey responses, notes on participant interactions during the mid-semester interclass activity, and participant retrospective reflections about the activity. We found that teacher candidates showed increased awareness and positive shift in perspectives. We also ascertained that, in learning to become culturally (and linguistically) responsive and sustaining teachers, they benefited from collaborative peer work.

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This page is a summary of: Learning to support and sustain cultural (and linguistic) diversity: perspectives of preservice teachers, Journal for Multicultural Education, November 2020, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/jme-02-2020-0015.
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