What is it about?

While business intelligence and analytic (BIA) systems have been developed by large corporations around the world, micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) have recently paid attention and deployed BIA adoption, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic disruption. This study sheds light on how MSMEs adopt the BIA systems and then proposes a framework for the BIA adoption process in the context of MSMEs.

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Why is it important?

Research findings can help business leaders and owners of MSMEs to determine the BIA maturity of their organisation. Furthermore, the authors’ framework can also be used by consultancies and standard setters to develop detailed BIA adoption strategies and tactics that support MSMEs' digitalisation towards BIA adoption.


The research study identifies three BIA adoption stages with specific technical and managerial features in the path of BIA adoption at each stage that corresponds to the level of BIA maturity of MSMEs. Besides, this study also extends the current literature on BIA adoption in an organisation during the Covid-19 pandemic by identifying several contextual barriers that directly influence the BIA adoption.

Dr. Thinh Gia Hoang
Western Sydney University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Business intelligence and analytic (BIA) stage-of-practice in micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), Journal of Enterprise Information Management, April 2023, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/jeim-01-2022-0037.
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