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The present research has been conceptualized to make an inter-district analysis and comparison in terms of IHDI of Uttar Pradesh. The study attempts to estimate district-wise HDI and IHDI for Uttar Pradesh for the year 2015 and also to explore the determinants of inequality and human development. The paper utilizes the Census of India data and unit-level data of NSS for constructing HDI and IHDI. The study reveals that inequality discounted income index is on an average 30 percent lower than unadjusted income index. However, quite high variation exists in case of education and health. The difference ranges from 30 percent to 40 percent in the case of education and from 3 to 36 percent in the health dimension. The districts with overall high differences which also implied greater inequality are Sultanpur (33.85%), Kanpur Nagar (32.70%), Jalaun (31.33%), Mahoba (31.27%) and Etawah (31.23%). The surprising fact which study finds that health infrastructure and education infrastructure are poorly correlated with their respective outcomes. It implies that increasing investment on educational and health infrastructure will not lead to any significant impact on their outcomes. It also means that some other socio-cultural factors are more dominant than economic factors.

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This page is a summary of: Inequality and human development: How inclusive the growth is in Uttar Pradesh?, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, August 2020, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/ijssp-03-2020-0107.
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