What is it about?

A study of how high frequency acoustics in the megasound 1MHz range, is being used in Printed Circuit Board manufacture to improve manufacturing processes. Evidence is provided of acoustic artefacts produced on the circuit surfaces influencing their physical properties.

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Why is it important?

This study can help identify manufacturing settings required for high-quality MS-assisted plating and promote areas for further investigation, leading to the development of an MS plating manufacturing technique.


The paper provides a fundamental insight into how known acoustic phenomena witnessed in microfluidics and acoustics, are being used in sonochemical investigations to improve manufacturing. It provides other researchers in the field an evaluation of key effects produced in response to the complex acoustic behaviours.

Mr Thomas D.A. Jones
Heriot-Watt University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Morphology and acoustic artefacts of copper deposits electroplated using megasonic assisted agitation, Circuit World, August 2016, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/cw-03-2016-0006.
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