What is it about?

The paper presents a unique and novel approach for parsing data into actionable knowledge items, identification of viruses, an application of visual dashboards for identification of problems, and a formal discussion of risk inherent with big data.

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Why is it important?

Only .5% of data collected has been analyzed. A lot of potential insight remains unused. The paper provides a framework to make the data more accessible.


Please see this video for a short summary of the paper: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/realworldresearch/innovation/is-your-organization-on-a-data-binge.htm

Dr Amy Igou
University of Northern Iowa

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Big data analytics: transforming data to action, Business Process Re-engineering &amp Management Journal, June 2017, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/bpmj-03-2016-0056.
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