What is it about?

This article, which won a Literati Award, discusses eight essential factors that need to be addressed for performance measurement to be effective. These include a balanced set of measures, measuring performance across organisational boundaries, and a culture of innovation learning and improvement, rather than a top down blame culture.

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Why is it important?

One of the key aspects of this paper is that the author believes that "all targets are flawed, some are useful" (Moullin, 2009). Therefore a top down blame culture will not work as people can always get round a flawed target. However if you have a supportive learning culture, people can work together looking at measures and consider how performance can be improved.


This paper won an international literati outstanding paper award.

Max Moullin
Sheffield Hallam University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Eight essentials of performance measurement, International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, May 2004, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/09526860410532748.
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