What is it about?

Instrumental leaders, who employ strategic and work-facilitating behaviors, are perceived to be effective in remote leadership roles. Their effectiveness is further enhanced in organizational environments characterized by VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) conditions.

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Why is it important?

Instrumental leadership was seen as particularly effective by remote workers, beyond traditional styles such as transformational-transactional leadership. Instrumental leaders are effective by scanning the environment, setting clear strategic goals, providing concrete steps to achieve them, and continuously monitoring progress. This approach seems critical in remote contexts and gets even more important the more VUCA-like the organizational environment is perceived by followers. Here, clear guidance & structure become key.


What can you do as a leader? Enhance your remote leadership with strategic and task-oriented components. Stay informed about your organizational environment by keeping up with news, industry reports, competitor analysis, and market trends. Translate this knowledge into clear strategic goals and break them down into tangible tasks for your team. Use project management tools to monitor progress and provide support by offering resources and removing obstacles like bureaucratic hurdles.

Tobias Marc Härtel
Hochschule Osnabruck

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Examining the extended full-range leadership model and leadership effectiveness in remote work contexts: the moderating role of VUCA environments, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, August 2024, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/lodj-07-2024-0475.
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