What is it about?

The article outlines that value is frequently expressed in terms of dollars and that the value achieved cannot necessarily be expressed in this way. For example, what is it worth to save a life? People from different academic, professional and social or experiential backgrounds have different ways of perceiving this. The article explains an approach that dissolves boundaries thus formed may encourage a better understanding of others' views and how to work together for improvement.

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Why is it important?

Although a there has a significant amount written about a transdisciplinary approach in different fields, contexts and disciplines, it is frequently not applied or misunderstood. It is important to understand that while this approach has the potential to approach difficult (wicked) problems, t helps with the journey towards a solution of a problem but does not guarantee it because the problem keeps changing. Although we have chosen to address health, this approach is suitable in many contexts where wicked problems are encountered.


Improving health is a wicked problem and the importance of health is all-pervasive. A value for money approach restricted to dollar-value is limited. The idea of people coming together to understand one another's views to achieve better outcomes is exciting. I hope that the article encourages others to grapple with the potential of this approach.

Dr William maguire
University of Tasmania

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Enhancing value in healthcare: towards a trans-disciplinary approach, Accounting Auditing & Accountability Journal, June 2022, Emerald,
DOI: 10.1108/aaaj-06-2016-2596.
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