What is it about?

Pt(II) complexes, the composit materials of the divalent platinum ion and organic and inorganic ligands, form a square-planar geometry. Those often exhibit strong luminescence when the complex units are assembled. Crystals thus formed exhibit color changes in lumienscence depending on the environment, or in response to gentle stimuli such as vapor exposure or weak mechanical forces. Such pehnomenon of color changes are called chromism and the self assemled Pt(II) complex crystals exhibit chromic lumienscence as typical soft crystals. Here, strategies for fabricating chromic luminescent Pt(II) complexes are described from a crystal design perspective, focusing on the structural regulation of Pt(II) complexes that exhibit assembly-induced luminescence via metal–metal interactions and structural control of anionic Pt(II) complexes using cations.

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Why is it important?

The diverse and flexible crystal structures of Pt(II) complexes, as stable and designable structural units, are promising not only as simple luminescent materials but also as luminescent chromic materials.


Assembly-induced luminescence of Pt(II) complexes based on Pt-Pt interactions have also been actively studied for environmental sensors since around 2000, although their applications are still in their infancy. Meanwhile, quantum dots, nano crystals of inorganic compounds, have seen remarkable progress in recent years. Nanocrystallization will also expand the application possibilities of Pt(II) complexes.

Masako Kato
Kwansei Gakuin University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Chromic soft crystals based on luminescent platinum(II) complexes, IUCrJ, June 2024, International Union of Crystallography,
DOI: 10.1107/s2052252524003658.
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