Virus genomes reveal the factors that spread and sustained the West African Ebola epidemic.
Gytis Dudas, Luiz Max Carvalho, Trevor Bedford, Andrew J Tatem, Guy Baele, Nuno Faria, Daniel Park, Jason Ladner, Armando Arias, Danny Asogun, Filip Bielejec, Sarah Caddy, Matt Cotten, Jonathan Dambrozio, Simon Dellicour, Antonino Di Caro, Joseph Diclaro, Sophie Duraffour, Mike Elmore, Lawrence Fakoli, Merle Gilbert, Sahr M Gevao, Stephen Gire, Adrianne Gladden-Young, Andreas Gnirke, Augustine Goba, Donald Grant, Bart Haagmans, Julian Hiscox, Umaru Jah, Brima Kargbo, Jeffrey Kugelman, Di Liu, Jia Lu, Christine Malboeuf, Suzanne Mate, David Matthews, Christian Matranga, Luke Meredith, James Qu, Joshua Quick, Susan Pas, My Phan, Georgios Poliakis, Chantal Reusken, Mariano Sanchez-Lockhart, Stephen Schaffner, John Schieffelin, Rachel Sealfon, Etienne Simon-Loriere, Saskia Smits, Kilian Stoecker, Lucy Thorne, Ekaete Alice Tobin, Mohamed Vandi, Simon Watson, Kendra West, Shannon Whitmer, Michael Wiley, Sarah Winnicki, Shirlee Wohl, Roman Wölfel, Nathan Yozwiak, Kristian Andersen, Sylvia Blyden, Fatorma Bolay, Bernice Dahn, Miles Carroll, Boubacar Diallo, Pierre Formenty, Christophe Fraser, George Gao, Robert Garry, Ian Goodfellow, Stephan Günther, Christian Happi, Edward Holmes, Brima Kargbo, Paul Kellam, Marion Koopmans, Nicholas Loman, N'Faly Magassouba, Dhamari Naidoo, Stuart Nichol, Tolbert Nyenswah, Gustavo Palacios, Oliver Pybus, Pardis Sabeti, Amadou Sall, Keïta Sakoba, Ute Ströeher, Isatta Wurie, Marc Suchard, Philippe Lemey, Andrew Rambaut
September 2016, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
DOI: 10.1101/071779