LD Hub: a centralized database and web interface to perform LD score regression that maximizes the potential of summary level GWAS data for SNP heritability and genetic correlation analysis
Jie Zheng, A. Mesut Erzurumluoglu, Benjamin L. Elsworth, Laurence Howe, Philip C. Haycock, Gibran Hemani, Katherine Tansey, Charles Laurin, Beate St. Pourcain, Nicole M. Warrington, Hilary K. Finucane, Alkes L. Price, Brendan K. Bulik-Sullivan, Verneri Anttila, Lavinia Paternoster, Tom R. Gaunt, David M. Evans, Benjamin M. Neale
May 2016, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
DOI: 10.1101/051094