Brain Protein Preservation Largely Depends on the Postmortem Storage Temperature
Implications for Study of Proteins in Human Neurologic Diseases and Management of Brain Banks: A BrainNet Europe Study
Isidre Ferrer, Gabriel Santpere, Thomas Arzberger, Jeanne Bell, Rosa Blanco, Susana Boluda, Herbert Budka, Margarita Carmona, Giorgio Giaccone, Bjarne Krebs, Lucia Limido, Piero Parchi, Berta Puig, Rosaria Strammiello, Thomas Ströbel, Hans Kretzschmar
Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, January 2007, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1097/nen.0b013e31802c3e7d