Second-line Therapy With Levofloxacin After Failure of Treatment to Eradicate Helicobacter pylori Infection
Time Trends in a Spanish Multicenter Study of 1000 Patients
Javier P. Gisbert, Ángeles Pérez-Aisa, Fernando Bermejo, Manuel Castro-Fernández, Pedro Almela, Jesús Barrio, Ángel Cosme, Inés Modolell, Felipe Bory, Miguel Fernández-Bermejo, Luis Rodrigo, Jesús Ortuño, Pilar Sánchez-Pobre, Sam Khorrami, Alejandro Franco, Albert Tomas, Iván Guerra, Eloisa Lamas, Julio Ponce, Xavier Calvet
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, February 2013, Wolters Kluwer Health
DOI: 10.1097/mcg.0b013e318254ebdd