Search for the optical counterpart of the GW170814 gravitational wave event with the VLT Survey Telescope
A Grado, E Cappellaro, S Covino, F Getman, G Greco, L Limatola, S Yang, L Amati, S Benetti, M Branchesi, E Brocato, M Botticella, S Campana, M Cantiello, M Dadina, F D’Ammando, G De Cesare, V D’Elia, M Della Valle, E Iodice, G Longo, M Mapelli, N Masetti, L Nicastro, E Palazzi, A Possenti, M Radovich, A Rossi, R Salvaterra, L Stella, G Stratta, V Testa, L Tomasella
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, December 2019, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stz3536