Safety of the use of Gold Nanoparticles conjugated with proinsulin peptide and administered by hollow microneedles as an immunotherapy in Type 1 diabetes
D Tatovic, M A McAteer, J Barry, A Barrientos, K Rodríguez Terradillos, I Perera, E Kochba, Y Levin, M Dul, S A Coulman, J C Birchall, C von Ruhland, A Howell, R Stenson, M Alhadj Ali, S D Luzio, G Dunseath, W Y Cheung, G Holland, K May, J R Ingram, M M U Chowdhury, F S Wong, R Casas, C Dayan, J Ludvigsson
Immunotherapy Advances, January 2022, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/immadv/ltac002