ViPAR: a software platform for the Virtual Pooling and Analysis of Research Data
Kim W Carter, KW Carter, RW Francis, M Bresnahan, M Gissler, TK Grønborg, R Gross, N Gunnes, G Hammond, M Hornig, CM Hultman, J Huttunen, A Langridge, H Leonard, S Newman, ET Parner, G Petersson, A Reichenberg, S Sandin, DE Schendel, L Schalkwyk, A Sourander, C Steadman, C Stoltenberg, A Suominen, P Surén, E Susser, A Sylvester Vethanayagam, Z Yusof
International Journal of Epidemiology, October 2015, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyv193