Corrigendum to ‘What counts more: the patient, the surgical technique, or the hospital? A multivariable analysis of factors affecting perioperative complications of pulmonary lobectomy by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery from a large nationwide reg...
Maurizio V Infante, Cristiano Benato, Ronaldo Silva, Gaetano Rocco, Alessandro Bertani, Luca Bertolaccini, Alessandro Gonfiotti, Riccardo Giovannetti, Cinzia Bonadiman, Alessandro Lonardoni, Barbara Canneto, Giovanni Falezza, Paola Gandini, Carlo Curcio, Roberto Crisci
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, August 2019, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezz224