Whole-exome sequencing for the identification of rare variants in primary immunodeficiency genes in children with sepsis - a prospective population-based cohort study
Alessandro Borghesi, Johannes Trück, Samira Asgari, Vanessa Sancho-Shimizu, Philipp K A Agyeman, Evangelos Bellos, Eric Giannoni, Martin Stocker, Klara M Posfay-Barbe, Ulrich Heininger, Sara Bernhard-Stirnemann, Anita Niederer-Loher, Christian R Kahlert, Giancardlo Natalucci, Christa Relly, Thomas Riedel, Claudia E Kuehni, Christian W Thorball, Nimisha Chaturvedi, Federico Martinon-Torres, Taco W Kuijpers, Lachlan Coin, Victoria Wright, Jethro Herberg, Michael Levin, Christoph Aebi, Christoph Berger, Jacques Fellay, Luregn J Schlapbach
Clinical Infectious Diseases, March 2020, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciaa290