What is it about?

Realists explain foreign policy in terms of power politics. They disagree on the exact meaning of power and on how and to what extent politics is likely to influence policy. But they all find that power has a strong materialist component and that the influence of domestic politics on foreign policy is likely to vary with security challenges stemming from the external environment. This article discusses the contribution and challenges of realist foreign policy analysis.

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Why is it important?

Realism continues to be one of the most prominent perspectives on international relations, but the contribution of the perspective to understanding foreign policy is understudied and disputed. This article unpacks the realist perspective(s) on foreign policy and discusses the potential and challenges of realism as a tool for foreign policy analysis.

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This page is a summary of: Realism in Foreign Policy Analysis, September 2017, Oxford University Press (OUP),
DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.475.
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