Experimental and theoretical multi-channel study of direct nuclear reactions: a tool to provide data driven information on the 76Ge neutrino-less double-beta decay
A Spatafora, L Acosta, C Agodi, P Amador-Valenzuela, G A Brischetto, S Calabrese, D Calvo, V Capirossi, E R Chávez-Lomelí, F Cappuzzello, D Carbone, M Cavallaro, I Ciraldo, F Delaunay, H Djapo, C Eke, P Finocchiaro, S Firat, M Fisichella, A Hacisalihoglu, F Iazzi, R Linares, N Medina, M Moralles, J R B Oliveira, A Pakou, L Pandola, H Petrascu, F Pinna, G Russo, O Sgouros, M A G da Silveira, S O Solakci, V Soukeras, G Souliotis, D Torresi, S Tudisco, A Yildirim, V A B Zagatto
Journal of Physics Conference Series, September 2023, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/2586/1/012134