Constraints on cosmological dark matter annihilation from the Fermi-LAT isotropic diffuse gamma-ray measurement
A.A Abdo, M Ackermann, M Ajello, L Baldini, J Ballet, G Barbiellini, D Bastieri, K Bechtol, R Bellazzini, B Berenji, R.D Blandford, E.D Bloom, E Bonamente, A.W Borgland, A Bouvier, J Bregeon, A Brez, M Brigida, P Bruel, T.H Burnett, S Buson, G.A Caliandro, R.A Cameron, P.A Caraveo, S Carrigan, J.M Casandjian, C Cecchi, Ö Çelik, A Chekhtman, C.C Cheung, J Chiang, S Ciprini, R Claus, J Cohen-Tanugi, J Conrad, S Cutini, C.D Dermer, A. de Angelis, F. de Palma, S.W Digel, E. do Couto e Silva, P.S Drell, R Dubois, D Dumora, Y Edmonds, C Farnier, C Favuzzi, S.J Fegan, W.B Focke, P Fortin, M Frailis, Y Fukazawa, P Fusco, F Gargano, D Gasparrini, N Gehrels, S Germani, N Giglietto, F Giordano, T Glanzman, G Godfrey, J.E Grove, L Guillemot, S Guiriec, M Gustafsson, D Hadasch, A.K Harding, D Horan, R.E Hughes, A.S Johnson, W.N Johnson, T Kamae, H Katagiri, J Kataoka, N Kawai, M Kerr, J Knödlseder, M Kuss, J Lande, L Latronico, M. Llena Garde, F Longo, F Loparco, B Lott, M.N Lovellette, P Lubrano, A Makeev, M.N Mazziotta, J.E McEnery, C Meurer, P.F Michelson, W Mitthumsiri, T Mizuno, C Monte, M.E Monzani, A Morselli, I.V Moskalenko, S Murgia, P.L Nolan, J.P Norris, E Nuss, T Ohsugi, N Omodei, E Orlando, J.F Ormes, D Paneque, J.H Panetta, D Parent, V Pelassa, M Pepe, M Pesce-Rollins, F Piron, S Rainò, R Rando, A Reimer, O Reimer, T Reposeur, A.Y Rodriguez, M Roth, H.F.-W Sadrozinski, A Sander, P.M. Saz Parkinson, J.D Scargle, A Sellerholm, C Sgrò, E.J Siskind, P.D Smith, G Spandre, P Spinelli, J.-L Starck, M.S Strickman, D.J Suson, H Takahashi, T Tanaka, J.B Thayer, J.G Thayer, D.F Torres, Y Uchiyama, T.L Usher, V Vasileiou, N Vilchez, V Vitale, A.P Waite, P Wang, B.L Winer, K.S Wood, T Ylinen, G Zaharijas, M Ziegler
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, April 2010, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2010/04/014