A laser–plasma platform for photon–photon physics: the two photon Breit–Wheeler process
B Kettle, D Hollatz, E Gerstmayr, G M Samarin, A Alejo, S Astbury, C Baird, S Bohlen, M Campbell, C Colgan, D Dannheim, C Gregory, H Harsh, P Hatfield, J Hinojosa, Y Katzir, J Morton, C D Murphy, A Nurnberg, J Osterhoff, G Pérez-Callejo, K Põder, P P Rajeev, C Roedel, F Roeder, F C Salgado, G Sarri, A Seidel, S Spannagel, C Spindloe, S Steinke, M J V Streeter, A G R Thomas, C Underwood, R Watt, M Zepf, S J Rose, S P D Mangles
New Journal of Physics, November 2021, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac3048