Production of multi-strange hyperons and strange resonances in the NA49 experiment
R A Barton, S V Afanasiev, T Anticic, J Bächler, D Barna, L S Barnby, J Bartke, R A Barton, L Betev, H Białkowska, A Billmeier, C Blume, C O Blyth, B Boimska, M Botje, J Bracinik, F P Brady, R Bramm, R Brun, P Bunčić, L Carr, D Cebra, G E Cooper, J G Cramer, P Csató, V Eckardt, F Eckhardt, D Ferenc, P Filip, H G Fischer, Z Fodor, P Foka, P Freund, V Friese, J Ftacnik, J Gál, M Gaździcki, G Georgopoulos, E Gładysz, S Hegyi, V Hlinka, C Höhne, G Igo, M Ivanov, P Jacobs, R Janik, P G Jones, K Kadija, V I Kolesnikov, T Kollegger, M Kowalski, M van Leeuwen, P Lévai, A I Malakhov, S Margetis, C Markert, B W Mayes, G L Melkumov, A Mischke, J Molnár, J M Nelson, G Odyniec, G Pálla, A D Panagiotou, A Petridis, M Pikna, L Pinsky, A M Poskanzer, D J Prindle, F Pühlhofer, J G Reid, R Renfordt, W Retyk, H G Ritter, D Röhrich, C Roland, G Roland, A Rybicki, T Sammer, A Sandoval, H Sann, E Schäfer, N Schmitz, P Seyboth, F Siklér, B Sitar, E Skrzypczak, R Snellings, G T A Squier, R Stock, P Strmen, H Ströbele, T Susa, I Szarka, I Szentpétery, J Sziklai, M Toy, T A Trainor, S Trentalange, D Varga, M Vassiliou, G I Veres, G Vesztergombi, S Voloshin, D Vranić, F Wang, D D Weerasundara, S Wenig, A Wetzler, C Whitten, N Xu, T A Yates, I K Yoo, J Zimányi
Journal of Physics G Nuclear and Particle Physics, February 2001, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/0954-3899/27/3/314