Pedestal width and ELM size identity studies in JET and DIII-D; implications for ITER
M N A Beurskens, T H Osborne, L D Horton, L Frassinetti, R Groebner, A Leonard, P Lomas, I Nunes, S Saarelma, P B Snyder, I Balboa, B Bray, K Crombé, J Flanagan, C Giroud, E Giovannozzi, M Kempenaars, N Kohen, A Loarte, J Lönnroth, E de la Luna, G Maddison, C Maggi, D McDonald, G McKee, R Pasqualotto, G Saibene, R Sartori, E Solano, W Suttrop, E Wolfrum, M Walsh, Z Yan, L Zabeo, D Zarzoso
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, November 2009, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/51/12/124051