Active control of type-I edge localized modes on JET
Y Liang, H R Koslowski, P R Thomas, E Nardon, S Jachmich, B Alper, P Andrew, Y Andrew, G Arnoux, Y Baranov, M Bécoulet, M Beurskens, T Biewer, M Bigi, K Crombe, E De La Luna, P de Vries, T Eich, H G Esser, W Fundamenski, S Gerasimov, C Giroud, M P Gryaznevich, D Harting, N Hawkes, S Hotchin, D Howell, A Huber, M Jakubowski, V Kiptily, A Kreter, L Moreira, V Parail, S D Pinches, E Rachlew, O Schmitz, O Zimmermann
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, November 2007, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/0741-3335/49/12b/s54