Reduced core transport in T-10 and TEXTOR discharges at rational surfaces with low magnetic shear
K.A Razumova, A.J.H Donné, V.F Andreev, G.M.D Hogeweij, I.S Bel'bas, A.A Borschegovskij, A.Yu Dnestrovskij, V.V Chistyakov, R Jaspers, A.Ya Kislov, V.I I'lin, D.A Krupin, S.V Krylov, D.E Kravtsov, Y Liang, S.E Lysenko, M.V Maslov, E Min, T.B Myalton, G.E Notkin, M.V Ossipenko, V.V Piterskij, D.P Petrov, I.N Roi, D.V Ryzhakov, D.A Shelukhin, A.V Sushkov, V.M Trukhin, V.A Vershkov, E Westerhof, T-10 team, TEXTOR team
Nuclear Fusion, September 2004, Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/0029-5515/44/10/002