What is it about?
The nature of dark matter is not yet known, but the gravitational effect in galaxy's rotation and cosmic microwave background do support its existence. In the primordial phase of universe, we believe the size of universe expanding in extraordinary rate, which is called 'inflation' era. Although both nature of inflation and dark matter seems different physics totally, we propose a modeling mechanism to explain them in a single framework. Furthermore, there is a specific theory of gravity generated by the framework. Such gravity theory may provide new physics of gravity and spacetime beyond Einstein's theory of general relativity.
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Why is it important?
Motivated by the low entropy hypothesis, which proposes that the initial state of the universe was one of exceptionally low entropy, we develop a modeling mechanism of modified gravity using the approach of 'weak equality'. We demonstrate how the proposed mechanism leads to a novel equation (ordinary differential equation) of modeling under the context of modified gravity (MG). Such equation describes class(es) of models. Interestingly, we not only reproduce well known R^2 gravity naturally from the solution, but also found two models generated - inflation model and wave-like dark matter (WDM) model. We propose such wave-like dark matter model fits both the observations of local measurements and large- scale measurements such as CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background). WDM model avoids the cusp problem owing to the wave nature of dark matter. The work might offer a novel approach and/or new understanding in the fields of modified gravity and inflation as well as dark matter.
I hope this work may lead to new understanding of gravity and model generations as well as the nature of dark matter and inflation. The model generation from this paper is novel that we don't need to start with an arbitrary form of Lagrangian. Like quantum field physics, one may start with only the principle of symmetry to derive models of quantum field in specific mathematical form. In simple term, this work may offer the hint that how physics is 'cooked' in the "beginning" of universe. I believe a truly fundamental theory of physics should respect the principle of free of arbitrariness.
Jackie Liu
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Inflation and Dark Matter from The Low Entropy Hypothesis and Modeling Mechanism of Modified Gravity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, August 2024, Institute of Physics Publishing,
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad721c.
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