CXCR4 identifies transitional bone marrow premonocytes that replenish the mature monocyte pool for peripheral responses
Shu Zhen Chong, Maximilien Evrard, Sapna Devi, Jinmiao Chen, Jyue Yuan Lim, Peter See, Yiru Zhang, José M. Adrover, Bernett Lee, Leonard Tan, Jackson L.Y. Li, Ka Hang Liong, Cindy Phua, Akhila Balachander, Adrian Boey, David Liebl, Suet Mien Tan, Jerry K.Y. Chan, Karl Balabanian, John E. Harris, Mariaelvy Bianchini, Christian Weber, Johan Duchene, Josephine Lum, Michael Poidinger, Qingfeng Chen, Laurent Rénia, Cheng-I Wang, Anis Larbi, Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Wolfgang Weninger, Mark R. Looney, Matthew F. Krummel, Subhra K. Biswas, Florent Ginhoux, Andrés Hidalgo, Françoise Bachelerie, Lai Guan Ng
Journal of Experimental Medicine, October 2016, Rockefeller University Press
DOI: 10.1084/jem.20160800