What is it about?

Dual sensory loss (DSL) is the impairment of both vision and hearing. Living with a DSL has a significant impact on the daily life for many older adults. DSL limits the ability to access information and impacts on communication. This study investigated the communication modes (spoken or manual), communication systems use (e.g., oral, signed, tactile), and communication participation (participation in conversation, groups, social activities, loneliness) of adults aged 50 years and older with DSL in Denmark.

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Why is it important?

Understanding the basis of communication style and communication participation in older adults with DSL is an important step in providing support and interventions that will lead to greater well-being in this group.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Communication participation in older adults with dual sensory loss, Speech Language and Hearing, May 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/2050571x.2019.1623457.
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