What is it about?

The New Zealand government is in the process of dismantling environmental protection especially around freshwater. It describes the state of the country’s waterways, provides a brief history of developments for freshwater in Aotearoa New Zealand and highlights the influence of the country’s agricultural sector on its environmental policy

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Why is it important?

The dismantling of environmental protection at this time of widespread ecological overshoot is ecocidal


This article was prompted by an open letter, signed by 51 freshwater experts and national and regional leaders on freshwater issues, that urged the new Government not to reverse or undermine the progress made

Mike Joy
Victoria University of Wellington

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Aotearoa New Zealand’s new Government proposal to remove hard-won protection for waterways will worsen the country's freshwater crisis, Inland Waters, April 2024, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2024.2335738.
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