What is it about?

Topiramate (TMP) is an effective popular migraine prophylaxis that is accepted for utilize in adults and teenagers. Therefore, the target of this research is to estimate the potential toxic effects of TMP on liver and kidney in male mice.

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Why is it important?

Whereas the majority of the antiepileptic drugs have, a kind of unfavorable drug reaction in response to liver and kidney functions. This study was designed to study the genotoxicity of TPM in liver and kidney tissue of mice. In addition, biochemical and histopathological studies to assessment the effect of TPM on mice liver and kidney was carried out.


This research is very important because it confirmed the topiramate hepatorenal toxicity, and that is necessary to patient awareness with its toxicity

Professor Aida Ibrahim El makawy

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Genotoxic, biochemical and histopathological studies to assessment the topiramate hepatorenal toxicity in mice, Drug and Chemical Toxicology, September 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/01480545.2019.1660364.
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