What is it about?

Social news sites have enabled news identification and its promotion through crowdsourcing and provided users with the capabilities to discuss topics. Compared to social media, social news sites are information-rich and possess their own social network. Reddit has been classified as a social news website and possesses similar characteristics to other websites in the domain. These include Slashdot, Digg, and StumbleUpon. This paper provides a broad analysis of spectators’ sentimental (or emotional) behaviour surrounding the 2020 Summer Olympics on Reddit.

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Why is it important?

The study measures the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on spectator sentiments and proposes a scheme for sensitising Redditors’ behaviour by crowdsourcing the influencers present in the Redditor pool.


The study’s results propose various practical implications for scholars, event organisations, governments, and policymakers who are interested in digital social communication platforms for the dissemination of sports content to a worldwide audience. The results are more important for event-related information disseminators who wish to convince and hold the audience’s interest thus preventing viewership loss. Sports viewership is affected by the information communicated over social media. In a time of turmoil, users tend to depend on non-organisational agents (friends, family, peers, and digital influencers) for information credibility. Through the mechanism proposed by the authors, sports organisations can identify the prominent social influencers and partner with them for information dissemination, strategy formation to enhance digital sports viewership, and promote sports-related events.

Dr. Jitendra Yadav
ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Sensitizing Netizen’s behavior through influencer intervention enabled by crowdsourcing – a case of reddit, Behaviour and Information Technology, January 2021, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/0144929x.2021.1872705.
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