What is it about?
A review of the different approaches in the development of multifunctional epoxy systems. Epoxy resins that behave both thermoplastic and thermoset are now the norm in R&D. Multifunctionality here is viewed in terms of toughness and flexibility, rapid curing, self-healing, reprocessability, recyclability, high temperature stability and conductivity.
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Why is it important?
This is a different look on multifunctional epoxy systems, where stable organic radical polymers is premised as a route for multifunctional character. Novel ideas on the synthesis of conductive, high heat stable materials from precursors such as benzoxazines, tannin, lignin, cardanol, etc. were presented in an appropriate section. Multifunctional epoxy system can satisfy the requirements of the 4.0 industry. In summary, gaps in the literature were identified for conductive epoxies, rapid curing systems and highlighted sustainability in the manufacture of epoxy resin.
I wrote this manuscript for my PhD work after realising that my research topic is unique. Initially, I was a bit hesitant to publish believing that "the novel ideas I thought of might not be that really new", "someone must have conceived about it already". After encouragement from my supervisors, we decided to publish this work and it was accepted as is, with the editors asking only for some "cosmetic" updates. Then I found out three months after this went to publication, that another review journal published similar concepts with more focus on one of the topics (Lyu and Ishida, Prog. Polym. Sci., 2019. 99, 101168). Definitely, I can say, this is a trailblazing manuscript. I hope the readers will enjoy this and help them in their research. Futhermore, Multifunctionality in Epoxy Resins is now part of a collection of reference materials for the chemical industry by Taylor and Francis.
Dr Jaworski C. Capricho
Henkel AG und Co KGaA
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Multifunctionality in Epoxy Resins, Polymer Reviews, August 2019, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/15583724.2019.1650063.
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