What is it about?

In this article I explore a pragmatic way forward to account for negative emissions, engage operators in industry thorough rewarding schemes, linking negative emissions to carbon trading schemes, and aligning with the Paris Agreement rulebook.

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Why is it important?

To meet the Paris Agreeement's target of limiting global warming to 1.5 - 2 C by 2100, there is likely a huge need for negative emissions, which is removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store the gas foremost in biomass or underground. This requires further development of these technolgies, not the least bioenergy with CCS. Good goveranece of bioenergy-CCS is essential.


There is a vast gap between the need for negative emissions as described by science and response in societies in terms of development and deployment. More action to bridge this gap is urgent. In this regard international agreement on a suitable standarized framework to account for bioenergy-CCS is a requirement, in particular regarding sustainable production and consumption of bioenergy. Governments have to establish policy frameworks and support schemes that faiciliate industry participation. There is a large scope for learning across different applications of bioenergy-CCS and other negative emission technologies.

Asbjørn Torvanger
CICERO Center for International Climate Research

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Governance of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS): accounting, rewarding, and the Paris agreement, Climate Policy, September 2018, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2018.1509044.
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