What is it about?
In fusion plasmas, plasma heating by wave-particle interaction events is essential. To reveal the background physics, the visualization of the perturbations in phase space, i.e. spans of real and velocity space, is required. In this paper, phase-space resolved plasma perturbations are analyzed using phase-space tomography, which integrates data from three diagnostic systems with different resolution optimizations. A phase space structure bifurcation is discovered.
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Why is it important?
Phase-space perturbation is considered to determine how much energy is transferred from waves to particles. Experimental determination of the phase-space perturbative structure with sufficiently high resolution has been challenging using a single diagnostic system and a conventional analysis technique.
The result clearly shows a bifurcation of the transient wave-particle interaction in terms of energy exchange levels. This may provide a clue to an efficient wave-mediated energy transfer channel from high-energy particles to bulk plasmas, which is essential in a steady-state fusion reactor.
Tatsuya Kobayashi
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Detection of bifurcation in phase-space perturbative structures across transient wave–particle interaction in laboratory plasmas, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, November 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2408112121.
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