What is it about?

Many biological events are regulated by interactions between proteins. We have developed a very sensitive method to detect protein-protein interactions and a conversion method to translate the interaction signal into designated signals you want. We named this system IFNARRS (interferon α/β receptor reconstitution system) because the molecules of interest are placed extracellularly, and the interaction signal transmits to the intracellular parts of interferon α/β receptors. Eventually, the transmitted signal is used to activate desired molecules such as Luciferase (to produce luminescence), IL-2 (to promote T cell growth), and B7-1 (to activate T cells).

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Why is it important?

1. New protein-protein interactions, which are very weak but important for biological events, can be found using this method. 2. Abnormally activated or suppressed T cells can cause allergies or cancer. Various cytokines work to regulate T cell functions properly. This method can detect cytokines and convert their signals to regulate T cell functions properly.


This method can detect various cytokines and regulate T cell functions without the need for engineering T cell genes, and holds promise for cancer immunotherapy.

Hideki Hayashi
Nagasaki University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Development of a highly sensitive platform for protein–protein interaction detection and regulation of T cell function, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 2024, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2318190121.
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