What is it about?
The article describes a scintillator stack detector designed to measure proton beams in real time during experiments on laser-plasma interaction demonstrates the first proof-of-principle experimental study. It also describes the signal reconstruction method based on Monte Carlo simulations and compares the results with those measured by a common Radiochromic films (RCF) stack detector.
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Why is it important?
With the latest progress in laser technology, high repetition rate experiments on proton acceleration using high-power lasers have become a reality. Common detectors like RCF can no longer be used in such experiments because they require long post-processing procedures. Therefore, there is a need for an "online" detector that could replace the common passive diagnostics. Scintillator-based devices are great candidates for shot-to-shot measurements since their response time is short and the signal can be measured remotely using, for example, CMOS cameras. The article shows that the developed scintillator stack is a promising candidate to replace the RCF stacks in modern experiments.
It is exciting to see that the output of the newly developed device aligns with this of the conventional RCF stack, but it opens new horizons for measurements with modern lasers by its real-time detection capabilities.
Valeria Istokskaia
The Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC, ELI Beamlines Facility
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Proton Bragg curve and energy reconstruction using an online scintillator stack detector, Review of Scientific Instruments, July 2023, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0146554.
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