What is it about?
By applying a phase staggered sinusoidal excitation to a set of conformal electrodes in a cylindrical geometry. a rotating electric field can created. This field has both azimuthal and radial component which disperses space charge throughout the volume of the discharge thus avoiding instabilities.
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Why is it important?
Creation of large volume plasma at atmospheric pressure will have a major impact in manufacturing processes and light sources.
Scaling non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma to larges volume has been a challenge due to instabilities leading to arcing. We have proposed a solution to this problem and are developing hardware to demonstrate the proof of concept.
shirshak dhali
Old Dominion University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Generation of large-volume high-pressure plasma by spatiotemporal control of space charge, AIP Advances, March 2020, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/1.5143923.
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