What is it about?

Frequency comb technology has revolutionized high-precision frequency synthesis and measurements in the optical domain. The optical-frequency synthesizer (OFS) based on a cw-laser locked to an externally shifted frequency comb, allows for wide tuning at unprecedented precision and reproducibility. The OFS extends comb technology to the terahertz (THz) domain (0.1 – 10 THz) by providing a tunable difference frequency to drive a photonic frequency domain THz-Spectrometer. We demonstrate the capabilities of the novel setup by performing ultra-high-precision measurements of high-quality THz whispering-gallery-mode resonances. The unprecedented stability and resolution of the system allows, for the first time, to observe tiny red and blue shifts of the modes due to the presence of a coupling waveguide.

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Why is it important?

The results are of significant interest to an audience specializing in photonics and THz technologies. The findings are a critical advancement in frequency comb-based technology and high-precision THz spectroscopy. The presented system is an ideal platform for developing highly sensitive and selective THz sensors. We, therefore, expect our results to have a far-reaching impact across fundamental and technological applications of frequency comb-based technologies extended to the THz spectral range. Including the development of tunable ultra-low phase noise radio-frequency sources and measurement equipment like vector spectral analyzers for 6G.


The present work extends the precision of frequency comb technology to the THz domain in a practical demonstration of the unique capabilities in high-precision THz spectroscopy. The current paper represents the condensation of a series of development and measurement efforts.

Dominik Vogt
University of Auckland

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Ultra-high precision comb-locked terahertz frequency-domain spectroscopy of whispering-gallery modes, APL Photonics, July 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0217898.
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