What is it about?

We propose a practical guideline to engineer the nanostructures with predefined electromagnetic properties, such as the amplitude and spectral position of the nanostructure resonances. In particular, we study the optical metasurfaces representing a periodic array of ultrathin gold nanopatches. In a sense, we consider the gold nanoparticles as the Lego pieces, and offer the instructions for playing with them to other optical engineers and researchers.

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Why is it important?

The optical nanostructures provide the wide opportunities for the efficient manipulation of light. However, their proper engineering with the advanced numerical techniques requires a substantial amount of time and effort. Here, we analyze the dozens of the nanostructure samples and derive the simple way of the designing the optical metasurfaces with preselected properties.


As an illustrative example of our "game instruction", we implement the exotic phenomenon of the plasmon canalization meaning the ultra-focused propagation of highly localized surface electromagnetic wave with no divergence. It can increase by hundreds of times the efficiency of the optical signal transferring in photonic planar devices.

Dr. Oleh Yermakov
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Engineering hyperbolicity and plasmon canalization for resonant plasmonic anisotropic nanopatch-based metasurfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, June 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0213515.
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