What is it about?

The high entropy paradigm for materials design hypothesizes that when multiple principal elements are present in a solid solution, such as in an alloy, the resulting properties are greater than the sum of their parts. This paradigm has been extended to ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs), which are generally defined as refractory metal carbides, borides and nitrides with melting temperatures greater than 3000C, of which there were only a handful before 2015. With the advent of high entropy UHTCs, material possibilities for applications such as rocket nozzles and leading edges of hypersonic craft, have expanded significantly. This work is a systematic evaluation of the oxidation behavior of two promising high entropy UHTC compositions at flight-relevant temperatures and investigates the complex relationship between a high temperature oxidizing environment and a multi-principal element ceramic.

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Why is it important?

When we fly faster, we fly hotter. When we explore new worlds such as Venus, we push the boundaries of currently available materials. An understanding of how new material design paradigms impact material properties, such as oxidation resistance in this case, critically enables further advancement of new aerospace technologies. In this publication, we identify the most likely oxidation mechanisms operative between 1500-1800C, and the impact of complex compositions on these mechanisms.


This work found that the equimolar (HfZrTiTaNb) carbide and diboride materials performed the best at higher temperatures (~1800C), which is a promising finding for this class of materials that are expected to used at temperatures greater than 2000C. Future materials design efforts can then take these findings to engineer UHTCs with the desired oxide microstructures.

Lavina Backman
Naval Research Laboratory

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Invited Article: The oxidation kinetics and mechanisms observed during ultra-high temperature oxidation of (HfZrTiTaNb)C and (HfZrTiTaNb)B2, Journal of Applied Physics, August 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0206227.
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