What is it about?

Photonic corner states are highly trapped zero-dimensional topological electromagnetic modes, and they usually hybridize with each other. This work explores the origin caused the hybridization of photonic corner states and the potential device applications.

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Why is it important?

Exploring the origin of photonic corner state degeneracy can deepen our understanding of complex topological states, and also bring many important applications such as corner mode lasing with tunable frequency, emission position and beam numbers etc. Furthermore, the role of local symmetry in protecting higher-order topological states is revealed.


The spectral degeneracy of photonic corner states is traditionally attributed to the point-group symmetry and remains largely unexplored in the realm of higher-order topological states. This study shows that photonic corner states are also protected by the local sublattice symmetry besides the conventional point-group symmetry, and thus it will boost the understanding and application of photonic corner states.

Fengfu Shen

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Design of pure and hybrid corner states in all-dielectric second-order photonic topological insulators, Applied Physics Letters, June 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0197626.
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