What is it about?

This paper examines the behavior of quantum particles called magnon-polarons in a bilayer magnetic materials called van der Waals magnets. We discovered that changes in the magnetic field can significantly alter the properties of these particles, affecting how they transport heat and spin.

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Why is it important?

These findings are significantly important for developing advanced technologies in spintronics, a field that aims to use the spin of particles, rather than their charge, to build circuits. The study presents a pratical way to realize highly tunable spintronics devices. Thus, our research not only improves our knowledge of the fundamental properties of these magnetic materials, but also opens up new avenues for their application in future technologies.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Topological magnon–polaron transport in a bilayer van der Waals magnet, Applied Physics Letters, March 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0191253.
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