What is it about?

We study if the nature of glassy dynamics is same or different in two and three spatial dimensions. To answer this question, we analyze the relation between dynamics and thermodynamics in different dimensions. We quantify and separate two factors: (i) long-wavelength thermal fluctuations which influence dynamics in two dimensions (2D) but not in three dimensions (3D) and (ii) anharmonicity of vibrational entropy which influence thermodynamics in both. We show that the nature of dynamics is different in 2D from 3D and the long wavelength fluctuation does not rationalize all the differences.

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Why is it important?

Studying spatial dimension dependence is a time-tested strategy to gain insights about the physics of glass transition. The present study provides a careful numerical analysis and a benchmark dataset that will be useful to the community to improve upon thermodynamic i.e. entropy based theories of glass transition, namely, the Adam-Gibbs relation and the Random First Order Transition theory.


This paper is an outcome of a M Sc thesis. It is gratifying to see M Sc students getting published at an early stage of their career.

Shiladitya Sengupta
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Is the glassy dynamics same in 2D as in 3D? The Adam Gibbs relation test, The Journal of Chemical Physics, July 2024, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0174563.
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