What is it about?

The paper illustrate a technique for efficient localization and visualization of wireless medical micro-devices inside the body with Ultrasound imaging. The technique is based on the detection of motions produced by the devices, by exploiting the Doppler effect.

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Why is it important?

The proposed strategy allows to enhance the contrast of the target micro-devices and avoid disturbances from background elements and/or imaging artifacts, typically associated to standard Ultrasound imaging. For this reason, the technique provide an efficient feedback strategy which enables precise remote control of wireless medical devices in-vivo. The ability to control such devices holds the potential to revolutionise minimally invasive procedures and diagnoses.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Real-time imaging and tracking of microrobots in tissues using ultrasound phase analysis, Applied Physics Letters, January 2021, American Institute of Physics,
DOI: 10.1063/5.0032969.
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