What is it about?
The main objective of this research is to perform optimal operation of the Bigge reservoir, Germany, in dry seasons using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm technique. The main difference between this study and other previous ones is that the optimal operation is carried out in dry seasons (i.e. minimum occurrence of reservoir inflow). Two inflow scenarios were adopted and four objective functions were optimized at the same time to suggest operating rules for the Bigge reservoir in the dry seasons.
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Why is it important?
The objectives of this study were to maximize: energy production, the benefits from recreation, as well as the benefits of the energy produced, and to minimize the total penalty due to deviation from the targets.
Writing this article was a great pleasure as it has co-authors with whom I have had long standing collaborations. This article also lead to optimize the Bigge reservoir operation in dry seasons (i.e. minimum occurrence of reservoir inflow) considering the real world constrains
Dr. Hamdy Ahmed El-Ghandour
Mansoura University
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Multiobjective Optimization of Bigge Reservoir Operation in Dry Seasons, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, September 2014, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE),
DOI: 10.1061/(asce)he.1943-5584.0000945.
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